Chaturaga dandasana, four limbed staff pose, yoga alignmentChaturanga Dandasana, also known as Four Limbed Staff Pose, is a popular yoga pose that is commonly incorporated in Ashtanga and Vinyasa Yoga practices. It is a challenging pose that requires strength, stability, and proper alignment. However, many yogis, especially beginners, struggle with performing the pose correctly and end up injuring themselves. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Chaturanga Dandasana, its correct alignment, modifications, and how to avoid injuries.

Benefits of Chaturanga Dandasana

Chaturanga Dandasana is an excellent pose for developing upper body strength, particularly in the shoulders, triceps, and chest. It also helps to tone the core, improve wrist flexibility and stability, and increase endurance. As you hold the pose, you engage the entire body, building heat, and increasing cardiovascular endurance. Chaturanga Dandasana also teaches you how to maintain proper alignment and body awareness, which is essential for preventing injuries in other yoga poses and daily activities.

Correct Alignment

Chaturaga dandasana, four limbed staff pose, yoga alignmentThe key to performing Chaturanga Dandasana correctly is proper alignment. Let’s begin by getting into the starting position: Plank Pose. In Plank Pose, your hands should be placed directly under your shoulders, fingers spread wide, and your feet hip-width apart. Engage your core by drawing your navel towards your spine and lengthening your tailbone towards your heels. This helps to support your lower back and prevent sagging through the center.

To initiate the movement from Plank Pose, roll onto the balls of your feet and move your shoulders forward past your wrists. Keep your elbows hugged into your sides, and lower your body to a 90-degree angle or slightly above, making sure that your shoulders are not lower than your elbows. Keep your core engaged, and maintain a straight line from the top of your head to your heels.


If you are a beginner or have weak upper body strength, it is okay to modify Chaturanga Dandasana. One modification is to perform the pose with your knees on the ground. Begin in Plank Pose, but lower your knees to the ground. Then, lower your body towards the ground, keeping your elbows hugged in towards your sides. As you become stronger, you can try performing the pose from the full plank position.

Another modification is to practice the pose against a wall. Stand facing the wall with your feet a few inches away from the wall. Place your hands on the wall at shoulder-height and lean your body towards the wall. Lower your body towards the wall, keeping your elbows hugged in towards your sides. This modification helps you to build strength and proper alignment without putting too much pressure on your wrists and shoulders.

Injury Prevention

As with any yoga pose, there is a risk of injury if Chaturanga Dandasana is not performed correctly. One common mistake is allowing your shoulders to drop below your elbows, which can put too much strain on your rotator cuff muscles and lead to shoulder injuries. To avoid this, keep your elbows hugged in towards your sides and your shoulders lifted away from your ears. Another common mistake is letting your lower back sag towards the ground, which can lead to lower back pain. Engage your core muscles throughout the pose, and keep your body in a straight line.

Chaturanga Dandasana is a challenging but essential yoga pose that helps to build upper body strength, tone the core, and improve body awareness. Proper alignment is crucial to prevent injuries, and modifications can be made to make the pose more accessible. Remember to engage your core, keep your elbows hugged in towards your sides, and maintain a straight line from your head to your heels. With practice and patience, you can master Chaturanga Dandasana and enjoy its many