Play Time! Why Circus Arts are Appropriate for Everyone

“Play is the highest form of research.”
– Albert Einstein

Circus arts, all ages, all abilities, creativity, concentration, collaboration, community, art integration, spatial awareness, motor skills refinement, safe risk-taking, play time, jugglingCircus arts have been around for centuries, providing entertainment and inspiration to communities all over the world. Circus performances used to be the central gathering place for people to come together and marvel at the possibilities of human potential. But, circus arts are much more than just entertainment. They are a form of movement that promotes physical fitness, coordination, concentration, self-esteem, and trust. In this post, we’ll explore why circus arts are beneficial for people of all ages and abilities, and why you should consider learning them.

Circus arts comprise a myriad of disciplines such as dance, theatre, acrobatics, and rhythm, making it a hybrid of art and sport. Circus arts are unique because they include people of varied skills and abilities, and actually require this diversity to be whole. Practicing circus arts involves developing trust, coordination, communication skills, and risk-taking curiosity in a safe and controlled environment. The non-competitive yet physical nature of the form makes it a unique and beneficial outlet for all ages.

Circus arts, all ages, all abilities, creativity, concentration, collaboration, community, art integration, spatial awareness, motor skills refinement, safe risk-taking, play time, juggling


One of the best things about circus arts is that they are appealing to people of all ages and abilities. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, circus arts provide a disciplined form of movement that improves spatial awareness, coordination, self-esteem, physical fitness, and trust. Working to meet goals is highly satisfying, and everyone is part of a creative process when they join together to develop small group acts. Children, in particular, can learn the most important aspects of performing, such as leadership and communication skills, through group activities.

In our culture, we often experience disconnection from our bodies, our instinctual selves, each other, and the world around us. But, the oldest definition of the verb “to play” is “to pay attention,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary. In a state of play, we experience the present moment. What can take many months of meditation to achieve happens instantly in play. Circus arts help us to experience the present moment by helping us to reconnect with our bodies and instincts. This, in turn, helps us to experience connection with ourselves and the world around us. Connection is everything, and it heals.

Learning circus skills takes work, and you cannot fake them. Circus arts establish habits of discipline, patience, and perseverance. Exercise happens naturally in play, and circus is a practice of concentrated play. The more we concentrate, the more fun we have. Practicing circus arts increases concentration and a sense of calm by working both hemispheres of our brain. When we focus and center ourselves, we are surprised at how wonderful we can be in our bodies. Circus allows us to suspend judgment and experience gratitude and joy within ourselves.

Circus arts, all ages, all abilities, creativity, concentration, collaboration, community, art integration, spatial awareness, motor skills refinement, safe risk-taking, play time, jugglingCircus arts also teach partnership. Through connection and trust, we can create wonderful things together. Circus emphasizes cooperation over competition. Circus arts are non-competitive and require collaboration, trust, and support of each other. When every individual shines, we experience a true community. Additionally, circus arts promote health and physical literacy through diverse physical activity, motor skills refinement, and safe risk-taking. Circus arts develop powerful creative voices rooted in awareness and inclusivity. They also build trust, collaboration skills, and teamwork by creating nourishing environments in which to challenge fears and develop positive personal relationships.

In summary, circus arts are a unique and beneficial form of movement that promotes physical fitness, coordination, concentration, self-esteem, and trust. Circus arts are appealing to people of all ages and abilities, and they provide a disciplined form of movement that improves spatial awareness, coordination, and physical fitness. Circus arts teach partnership, cooperation, and collaboration, and they create a true sense of community. They also promote health and physical literacy, develop powerful creative voices rooted in awareness and inclusivity, and build trust, collaboration skills, and teamwork. So why not consider learning

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