Classical sun salutations, tree pose, deep belly breath, yoga class classical sun salutation, classical sun salutation, butterfly pose, bridge pose, reclining figure 4 pose, sound vibration, Om shanti om​If you’re looking for yoga classes to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health, then you may be interested in reading this article. As a yoga teacher, I have prepared several lesson plans for yoga teacher training that I am willing to share with you. The following 18 lesson plans are designed to build on each other, from gentle classes to more advanced poses and sequencing.

Before we dive into the lesson plans, let me share with you the philosophy behind yoga. In Hatha Yoga, we seek to balance attention between the body and mind, confronting our fears and potentials. Asanas discipline the body but affect the mind, and in turn, the mind affects the body. Through the practice of yoga, we create an intuitive space for deepening our understanding of ourselves, uncovering our obstacles and potential, and becoming harmonious beings. As Sri Swami Satchidananda says in his book “The Golden Present,” “We want to find a deeper meaning in the asanas, to take us to a higher level of consciousness, expect depth, reflection, clarity and support for the Light within.”

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and has proven to have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. If you’re looking to improve your health and fitness on Vancouver Island, Nanaimo, yoga is a great way to do so. In this article, we will discuss a yoga class that focuses on various poses and techniques that can help you achieve a deeper sense of mindfulness and inner peace.

The class will begin with the Tree pose, also known as Vrksasana. This pose requires you to stand on one leg with the other leg bent and resting on the inner thigh of the standing leg. While in this pose, you will focus on taking deep belly breaths and being present in the moment. By focusing on your intention and expressing yourself from the inside out, you can create a shift in the direction of your goals and aspirations.

Classical sun salutations, tree pose, deep belly breath, yoga class classical sun salutation, classical sun salutation, butterfly pose, bridge pose, reclining figure 4 pose, sound vibration, Om shanti omClassical Sun Salutations with lunge and variations will follow the Tree pose. This will involve adding a twist in the lunge, twist with prayer pose hands, lunge to half split. These variations will help you build strength, balance, and flexibility.

Next up are standing poses, which include Warrior 1 and Warrior 2. These poses will help you build strength in your legs and core while also improving your balance. In addition, Warrior chest expansion and Wide Leg forward fold/ Prasarita Padottanasana I will be incorporated into the class. These poses will help you improve flexibility in your chest and hips.

Classical sun salutations, tree pose, deep belly breath, yoga class classical sun salutation, classical sun salutation, butterfly pose, bridge pose, reclining figure 4 pose, sound vibration, Om shanti omAfter standing poses, you will move onto Yin poses. These poses are held for a longer duration, allowing you to relax into the pose and focus on your breath. Low Squat/ Malasana, Butterfly/ Baddha Konasana, Bridge pose/ Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Reclining Figure 4 pose/ Supta eka pada galavasana, and Lying spinal twist/ Supta Matsyendrasana are all Yin poses that will be incorporated into this class. These poses will help you release tension in your hips, lower back, and glutes.

The class will conclude with a mantra: Om shanti om, Deva Premal from Radiance matrix. Mantras have great power and can be used to help you achieve a deeper sense of inner peace and relaxation.

In conclusion, this yoga class will help you improve your physical and mental health by incorporating various poses and techniques that will help you achieve a deeper sense of mindfulness and inner peace. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, this class is suitable for everyone. So, if you’re on Vancouver Island, Nanaimo, and looking to improve your health and fitness, consider attending this yoga class.