Improving Your Diet and Saving Money on Groceries

Grocery, environmental consciousness, budget, save money, bulk foodOver the years, my diet has changed considerably, and so has my grocery shopping. In this post, I will share with you my journey towards a healthier diet and my tips on how to save money on groceries. If you are in Vancouver Island, Nanaimo, this post will be especially useful for you.

First, let me clarify the word “diet.” For many people, this word has a negative connotation because it means to restrict oneself from some kind of food in order to lose weight. In this post, when I talk about diet, I simply refer to the kind of food I eat.

I used to eat for pleasure, indulging in high sugar food and dessert. This type of diet was not good for my body or my mind. I often felt guilty for the food I ate and was stuck in an unhealthy pattern. I’ve also tried to have a diet that kept me lean and even tried doing a body fitness competition. I had to lower my body fat as much as possible. However, lately, I’ve been trying to eat food with an environmental consciousness, and that’s why I’ve become a vegetarian. As a mother of two young boys, I have limited time to cook, so I need simplicity. My partner and I also made a commitment to find new ways to eat healthy nourishing food while maintaining our budget.

It seems like in the last few years, it’s getting harder to stretch our dollars on food. The price of food has gone up a lot, and we need to have a plan in place to know how to spend only so much money on food. It’s been estimated that food will go up 5% just in 2023, and for most households, groceries are the biggest expense they have. Therefore, I wanted to share a few tips I’ve discovered on how to save some money on groceries.

  1. First tip to save on grocery; try to grow some food during the summer. Some of the essential food that we grow are tomatoes, potatoes, squash, corn, beans, onions, garlic, and almost forgot honey. These food items are easy to grow and store to eat during the winter. It’s also really nice to know that your food will help the environment and are grown without chemicals or GMO. Growing food is also a great opportunity to be outdoors with our kids, and there are so many discoveries to be made in the process. We currently have the opportunity to rent our neighbor’s yard and grow food on a half-acre. Be aware that there are so many options to grow food even if you don’t have the space. I believe it’s one of the best time and health investments you can do for yourself and the Mother Earth.
  2. Second tip to save on grocery; buy bulk food. We like buying bulk food like oatmeal, rice, quinoa, raisins, beans, sunflower seeds, popcorn, nutritional yeast, coconut oil. It seems like a lot of money to put up front when you buy such a big quantity, but you can save so much money in the long run. It can also limit all the trips to the grocery store.
  3. Third tip to save on grocery; don’t buy processed food. Take the time to research some good recipes and plan ahead of time. Making your meals from scratch is one of the biggest ways you can save money. The more prepared food is, the more it usually costs, and it’s usually pretty unhealthy. Also, when you cook, make sure you make too much so you can freeze some, take it for lunch, share it with friends. That will also help you save some excuse to have to go out to buy some food because you are hungry and are running out of time.

In conclusion, making changes to our diet and grocery shopping habits can have a significant impact on our health, our budget, and the environment. By growing our own food, buying in bulk, and avoiding processed foods, we can save money, eat healthier, and reduce our carbon footprint.

It’s important to remember that making these changes doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. With a little bit of planning and creativity, we can find simple and delicious ways to incorporate nourishing foods into our daily routine.

Overall, the journey towards a healthier and more sustainable diet is a continuous process, and it’s important to be kind to ourselves along the way. By embracing small changes and celebrating our progress, we can create a positive and sustainable relationship with food and the planet.

In terms of improving the post, one suggestion would be to include more specific information and resources about local options for sustainable and affordable food in Vancouver Island and Nanaimo. This could include farmer’s markets, community gardens, and local grocery stores that offer organic and locally sourced produce. Adding relevant keywords related to health, fitness, and sustainable eating practices can also help with SEO. Additionally, including more personal anecdotes and experiences can make the post more engaging and relatable for readers.